Monday, December 17, 2018

6 Types of Banner Stands and Their Uses

6 Types of Banner Stands and Their Uses

The humble banner stand is the staple in any business’ exhibition kit, but how do you know which banner stand is best and what can they be used for? We’re going to take a look at 6 of our most popular products to help you decide.

Roller banner stands

If you’re looking for a standard, go-to resource, then roller banner stands are the perfect solution. Quick and easy to set up, lightweight and highly portable, roller banner stands are the standard solution for exhibitions and trade shows.

A great option for helping you to stand out from the crowd, convey your message and illustrate your band, this type of banner stand is definitely the most popular.

Tension banner stands

Just as easy to use as roller banner stands, tension banner stands can often take a little longer to set up but come with the added bonus that you can easily change graphics whilst on display. This is ideal when it comes to doing a tradeshow event, or multiple events as you can simply swap your image as and when you feel it’s necessary.

In order to really the make the most of your space, you can also choose a double-sided option and vary your marketing message.

Desktop banner stands

Whilst a floor-standing banner stand is a great solution if you have the space, they can often get in the way. The easy solution to this is a desktop banner stand. As smaller versions of their floor-standing cousins, these products are capable of still catching the eye and can even be used alongside the larger ones in order to add more information, advertise a particular product or service or even provide vital contact information.

Rigid banner stands

Depending on the space available to you and the image you want to convey, a rigid banner stand could be the ideal option. One of our most popular options is this A-Frame stand that uses adjustable bungee cords to maintain a tight hold on the graphic. Plus, it’s easy to assemble and the perfect lightweight solution too.

Outdoor banner stands

The majority of banner stands are suitable for indoor use only, but when it comes to doing an outdoor event, it’s vital you have the appropriate advertising. An outdoor-safe banner stand is the ideal solution to this and is just as easy to assemble as its indoor siblings. Printed on vinyl, you can be rest assured that your graphic is weather resistant.

Fabric banner stands

For many reasons, a polyester banner stand may not be the best idea, and so a fabric alternative is a great idea. Opting for a fabric banner stand instead means that you can easily change your graphics and treat it more like an interactive board. Alternatively, you can modify your graphics to attach via Velcro and optimise this banner stand for each event.

Determining which banner stand is most suited to your purpose can often be dictated by the type of event you’re attending, the space available to you and the budget you can spend. However, once you know how each type of banner works, it’s easy to determine which one is the best solution.

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